Career History

The Early Days
Who knew that at the age of six years old starting off as a hobby became so much more! The inspiration came from watching Formula 1 and seeing the pure excitement of the sport. So, I thought I would give it a go myself. My first taste of driving was at Buckmore Park in the Bambino Kart school. There I learnt the very basic fundamentals of driving and the flags as well. After six weeks of learning how to drive a kart safely I was ready to step up into a Honda Cadet. My parents bought me my first kart at the age of seven. It was far from the best, but it did the job. With its faults it made me work harder and adapt to the damaged chassis. I started off at my local kart track at Rye House, where some of the greats started. There I joined the Honda cadet club, where I was able to practice in my new kart and learn the very basics of racing. At the age of eight I was now able to start racing, quite scary at first, but I gradually overcame that fear and was getting faster and overtaking more. I felt confident then to drive at other tracks in the UK, like Whilton Mill, Kimbolton, Buckmore Park, etc.

Stepping On The Podium
Once I got to grips with all the basic race craft and techniques by the age of ten, I started to step foot on podiums and setting fastest laps too. So, my parents thought it was time to finally upgrade my kart and engine. Once we did that, I couldn’t get off the podium! 2015 was my best and final year in karting. It was a tough year, racing 42 weekends, but I was able to win my first championship at Rye House, also multiple wins and pole positions throughout that year at other circuits too. I was able to claim second in two other championships at Whiton Mill and Kimbolton and I won the Josh O’Malley Cup.

Karts To Cars
After my success in 2015 I was spotted and approached by a European company called CIDT. They said, “we saw potential in Josh’s driving, he is a very marketable and an approachable young lad.” They wanted to take me from karts into cars and asked if I was interested…well of course I was! They then purchased my first race car in the Fiesta Junior Championship which I could start racing at fourteen.

1st Year In Cars
2016 for me was the preparation to be able to race in 2017 in cars. Only being 13 for the first 6 months of the year left me with nothing to do as there was no point in me starting a fresh season in a higher class in karting. Once I passed my ARDS test by the time I finally turned 14 I was able to start testing my new race car to prepare for 2017. 2017 was a very successful rookie year for me, coming 7th in the championship out of the 20 drivers and learning all the new tracks and nature of tin top racing.

Fiesta Juniors Success
2018 was my second and best year racing in the fiesta junior championship, with a freshly built car beneath me I was straight on the podium for the first round of the year. It was a year of ups and downs having a few mechanical failures that cost me the championship, but I still achieved 3rd in the championship, 10 podiums and 2 wins. Now that I had mastered the front wheel drive machine it was time for me to move on into a bigger and better car and series, the Ginetta GT5 challenge.

The Big Move To GT5
My GT5 winter testing was going exceptionally well, after 3 test days I was on the pace and ready to kick off the season with a bang. Until I severely broke my arm during my time at the Motorsport UK academy college course in Loughborough. I was pushed down some stairs by my ‘friend’ as a joke, but it wasn’t a good joke after looking at the state of my arm. I was in a cast for 2 months and missed 2 race weekends of the 2019 season.
Once I was out of my cast, I completed my physio within a week, way faster than the doctors thought, and I was able to make it to the third round at Silverstone and the rest of the season. I arrived back like I hadn’t missed anything. I massively progressed throughout the season and at the last round at Donington I was able to claim my first podium in the championship.